Invention – Development – Evaluation – Patent registration – Promotion

SBE generates innovative clean and affordable inventions and projects – up to the stage of applicability.

Technologies as well as developed processes will be transferred to investors on the basis of internationally established know-how-contracts in order to ensure the expedient and widespread realisation of the project.

The know-how transfer will have to be compensated by way of onetime contractual fees, including the option of instalments and royalties (turnover dependent payments) on the sales price.

The user of the know-how-transfer can engage regional representatives for the purpose of refinancing and optimal use of the market chances.

SBE is in a position to evaluate other inventions, to examine patent options, and to assist in the processing of patent applications and their promotion in the market.

SBE deals in the first instance with inventions generated by members of the Company, but also with inventions and projects from outside inventors.

In each case specific settlements and contracts will have to be negotiated and concluded.

SBE and national users will be beneficiaries of fees and royalties on a 50:50 basis.

Scheme for the processing of inventions


External Inventor

Evaluation, Patent Registration

Utilization Contract


Internal Inventor

Invention No 1 – Invention No 2 – Invention No 3

Inventor 1 - Inventor 2 - Inventor 1 and 2

e.g. Clean gasification of fossil energy resources for power generation.


Contracts on the utilisation of patents


Exclusive rights within the boundaries of one state


Onetime contractual fee (instalment payment) and Royalties on the basis of the turnover and the product price.


Exclusive rights on regional districts within a country or border-crossing

3.2.1 No 1
3.2.2 No 2
3.2.3 No 3
3.2.4 No 4


One-time contractual fee (instalment payments) and royalties on the turnover and the product price.

SBE and the national user share the income on a 50:50 basis.


1. Construction and Modernisation of Power Station on the Basis of Solid Fossil Sources of Energy

The solid fossil material, e.g. soft coal is grinded and mixed up with liquid, e.g. with water in order to produce an electrically conductive suspension.

Put into a hermetically closed pressure container the suspension is exposed to high pressure brought about from above through nozzles arranged in circles and simultaneously to an electronic discharge. The plasma forming effect is reinforced by laser radiation.

In the state of plasma the elements contained in the suspension are separated und undergo chemical processes.

During the cooling off process the environmentally dangerous gaseous CO2 changes into a liquid aggregate and thus gains the quality of a commercial commodity for the production of fertilizer and urea. Besides of that, the other components turn into fine powder of various qualities. The water based cooling system affixed to the outer wall provides the steam for the production of electric power.

The entire production process takes place without any environmentally dangerous gaseous liquid or solid emissions.

Under certain geological conditions other fossil sources of energy, e.g. shist oil, contain elements of precious or of non-ferrous metals that would constitute - next to the produced electric power - a second commercial commodity.

2. Construction and Modernisation of Power Station on the Basis of Gaseous Fossil Sources of Energy

This recently patented steam producer applies essential components as used for jet engines. In this way the density of the thermal flow could be increased.

Size and volume of the thermal power station could be reduced in case of lower requirements for the production in case of decentralisation of installations.

Natural gas constitutes a gaseous mixture that has to undergo cleansing processes before being put through a gas pipeline system. Otherwise natural gas would destroy or blockade the pipeline. The cleansed natural gas contains Methan in the first instance and apart from that CO2. Burnt under heavy pressure Methan produces the thermal heat and steam needed for the production of electric power, while the gaseous and environmentally harmful CO2 is transformed into liquidity which could be used as a commercial commodity.

Apart from new construction of power plants, also existing power plants of all sorts could be modernised in this way.

The new thermal power producer could be linked to any traditional turbine or generator model.

3. New Construction and Modernisation of Nuclear Power Stations on the Basis of amorphous Thorium

There are a number of reasons that suggest replacing Uranium, as the main source of nuclear energy by amorphous Thorium:

The module for the production of thermal and steam power is put into an underground pressurized container with a diameter of about 12 meter and a capacity of one MV. The module for turbines and generators could be placed above ground. The menace of a GAU as result of terrorist attacks or aircraft can be excluded.

The enrichment of concentrated Uranium including for military purposes is not possible in connection with the use of Thorium. Nor is a GAU possible.

In case of a Thorium based rector one filling would amount to 100 to. It would guarantee an operational period of about 40 years, while a Uranium based reactor would burn up annually about one third of its filling -and would have to be replaced. This involves an interruption of the production of electric power. Since Thorium in itself would not have a radiation capacity, for the purpose of ignition one percent of Uranium would however have to be added to the filling of a thorium based reactor.

After about forty years of operation about 90 percent of the Thorium filling would be burnt up. The percentage of waste material in case of Uranium exceeds several times that of Thorium waste, since only 6 to 8 percent of the Uranium filling are burnt up.

While Uranium based nuclear power plants face the still unsolved problem of the final disposal of the waste material, Thorium based nuclear power plants do not have this problem, since there are available patented procedures for the underground disposal of the much smaller volume of waste with a very short half life period.

Apart from Thorium based new plants it is also possible to modernise other power plants, since it is possible to connect existing turbines and generators with the Thorium based module for thermal and steam production. Thus fully functional installations can be used in a manner more acceptable environmentally.

This possibility may be of particular interest in connection with the public debate about the operational life span of nuclear power plants in Germany.

Also, the module I can be replaced by components that use emission-free solid or gaseous fissile material.

4. Processing of Used Fuel and Nuclear Waste

The procedure - as patented - uses active gases such as Fluor; Chloride and other Halogens, Hydrogen and other gaseous Oxydation means.

By way of electronic ignition the technical reactions are initiated re-enforced by laser radiation.

The electric tension amounts to 100 volt and more - depending on the volume on the technological zone and the pressure within the reactor.

During the laser-based scanning the container with the material that undergoes the processing is rotating constantly and newly positioned.

The processing leads to the following results:

5. Underground Deposit of ecologically dangerous and particularly precious materials

This invention offers a procedure for the underground deposit of ecologically dangerous material and a technology for the implementation of the procedure

Used fuel, Radioactive waste, weapon grade Uranium and Plutonium, chemical and biological weapons, but also other precious materials constitute the material that is to be processed.

The material is brought into the place by way of a special gaseous hydro-dynamic system and by distant steering of the process.

Access by unauthorized personal is excluded.

The three inventions

Berlin, February 2010